Hello everyone! Today was the last and final day for our October visits from school students. The students today weren't your ordinary students either. This group was made up of students who all get educated from their home by their parents. This isn't the traditional form of education, but not everything comes is "one size fits all" in the real world.
This day also was a lot different in how the program was formatted. Instead of a group of students all the same age and grade level, we had a mix from Pre-K through high school. So, we split them up into three groups (pre-k to 2nd, 3rd to 5th, 6th and above) to make our lives at the JCHC a lot easier. Carole, our curator, was in charge of the oldest group, and she did a hands-on type lesson with them. As she did this, I was in charge of the middle group that started off doing our museum scavenger hunt. Mark, one of the JCHC employees, took charge of the smallest group who got to see a train show first. As we moved along in the day, my group also got to see the train show as well as the gift shop, and Mark's group got to see everything as well. After the museum activities were finished, each group was lead by the group leaders on a walking tour of Main Street. This was my favorite part because I got to take the reigns in an instructional role for the first time since the end of my student teaching experience last spring. The kids really seemed to enjoy all the places we went to, and they got the chance to see some pretty neat places that they didn't even know existed. I was particularly impressed with the knowledge that some of these students possessed about topics like the Civil War, and I was also pleased with the quality of questions and input they provided.
Overall, today was a very successful and fulfilling day at the Jefferson County History Center. We always enjoy educating students, and in this case their parents too, about all things history. I look forward to more opportunities like this in the future.
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